SCSPEB Project
Balochistan Education Program
Country: Quetta and Killa Abdullah
56 Months
Save the Children
Start date :
April 2010
Completion Date : Nov 2014
Narrative description of Project:
To increase access for children, with a special focus on girls, in the three districts of Balochistan by end of 2014. Activities under this objective relate the expansion and improvement of the existing infrastructure of 340 schools, creating additional classrooms; upgrading of primary schools to middle and secondary levels. This will benefit 56,800 existing children in schools and give access to 16,200 new children. From the total number (73,000) children reached, 43,800 are girls
To improve the quality of education through the promotion of child friendly and participatory teaching methodologies in all targeted schools of the three districts of Balochistan by end of 2014. Activities under this objective contain minor school improvements in 200 existing schools (learning materials); teachers’ capacity building; effective monitoring mechanisms; training and reactivation of PTSMC
To improve educational planning and budgeting systems in the Balochistan province through the development and introduction of evidence based District Education Planning models, as well as the strengthening of Education Management Information Systems by 2014.
Description of actual services provided :
10 schools up-graded Primary to Middle Level, 4 schools up-graded Middle to High Level,
Established 47 ECE centers
Missing Facilities provided in 68 schools
Training imparted to Teachers and district management staff
129 sports, DRR & H&H kit provided,
Play material provided in 33 schools,
Imparted ECE Teachers Training and provision of ECE and Teaching Learning Material.