SCSPEB Project
ED-LINKs (LINKs to Learning)
Country:: Pishin, Killa Abdullah, Killa Saifullah, Loralai, Khuzdar, Awaran, Sibi, Bolan, Jafferabad, Turbat, Punjgur
60 Months
Start date :
Nov 2007
Completion date : June 2011
Narrative description of Project:
Improved teacher education and professional development
Improved students learning and learning environment; and
Improved governance and strengthened public sector capacity at the federal, provincial and districts levels to sustain quality teaching and learning.
Description of actual services provided :
Improved Teacher education and professional development though workshop
Adopting and Building on Previously Funded ESRA Teacher Training Modules
In-Service Training of Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology), Maths and Computer Teachers for Secondary Level Education
Supporting Child Learning especially in Math, Science, (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) and English
Teachers' Attachment in US Schools
Identifying Approach Training Methods for Teachers & Conduct Student Attitude Surveys
Improve EMIS/ Database Tracking System
Improved student learning and the learning environment
Supporting Child Learning especially in maths, science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) and English
Introduction to Computer Education at the middle level of Education System
Science improvement at Secondary Level
Develop System For Gauging Students Achievements in Class room
Map the Capacity within Provincial Education Assessment Cells
Support Provincial and National Training institutions
Support the training of cadres of federal, provincial, and district staff in policy and planning functions and to collect, enter and analyze data and initiate Implementation of the EMIS
Review existing functions of education management and leadership institutions if in existence and to a lesser extent the teacher education institutions
District Level Capacity Building for Education Managers and Administrators
Reforms to Financing of Teacher Education