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SCSPEB Project

Balochistan Trial District Management Program (BTDMP) now Support to Devolution Reform Program (SDRP)
Country: Loralai
Duration : 24 Months
Donor: UNDP
Start date : October 1998 Completion date : September 2000
Narrative description of Project:
Balochistan Trial District Management Project (BTDMP) was implemented as a pilot project in the districts of Jhal Magsi and Loralai districts. The Project focused on strengthening of existing institutional arrangements with some modifications on a trial basis. The project also assessed types of institutional reform and other changes that might be required for decentralization of delivery of public sector services and making them more effective.
Description of actual services provided:

Identification of settlements and villages the agreed to participate in project activities
Orientation of communities about the problems of service and their role in the improvement of service     delivery system and strengthen the capabilities of local councils and line agencies in the implementation of     sustainable, decentralized, participatory development.
Enhance community participation in order to have better monitoring of public sector services, planning and     implementation of village level infrastructure and local resource mobilization for sustainable economic     development.
Village dialogues to discuss the participatory terms of partnership